Full Stack and AI
Featured Projects
Focused on the experience, driven by the engineering.
DocuMentor: RAG-Powered Interactive PDF Assistant
PublicInteractive PDF Assistant A system allowing users to input a PDF and pose questions, receiving precise, content-derived answers using RAG methodology.
- Python
- OpenAI
- LangChain
- Pinecone
Cyber Brain: EEG Signals Based Thought to Text Translation
PublicBrain Computer Interface Developed a BCI system to help physically disabled people, enabling thought-to-text translation using EEG signals.
- Python
- TensorFlow
Artistic Pattern Formation using Multi-Robot System
PublicMulti-Robot System Developed a system for multi-robot pattern formation on arbitrary target patterns with smooth, collision-free deployment.
- Python
Sentiment Analysis System for Movie Reviews
PublicSentiment Analysis System A machine learning-based system to classify movie reviews as positive or negative, using scikit-learn and XGBoost.
- Python
- Scikit-learn
- XGBoost
Facial Recognition Based Attendance System
PublicAttendance System using Facial Recognition Developed a facial recognition-based attendance system using OpenCV and Haar Cascade algorithms.
- OpenCV
- Python
- SQLite
Neural Network Model to Predict Handwritten Digits
PublicDigit Recognition Model Built a neural network using Keras and TensorFlow to predict handwritten digits with high accuracy.
- TensorFlow
- Keras
- Python
PublicImage Mapping Project Created an image mapping application to classify satellite images using an active contour model.
- Python
- OpenCV
Super Store Sales Dash App
PublicSales Analytics Dashboard Developed a sales analysis dashboard using Dash for analyzing Superstore sales data.
- Dash
- Plotly
- Python
PublicNYC Motor Vehicle Collisions Dashboard Interactive web app displaying analytics on vehicular accidents in NYC using Streamlit and Python.
- Python
- Streamlit
- NumPy
- Pandas
SMS-bot Django Admin Panel
PublicDjango Admin Panel Built an admin panel to manage and monitor an SMS bot using Django.
- Django
- Bootstrap
- SQLite
Django Expense Tracker API
PublicExpense Tracking System Developed a full-stack expense tracker with Django backend and React frontend for managing expenses.
- Django
- React
- PostgreSQL
Data Gurus Market Data Management
PublicETL Pipeline for Data Management Developed an ETL pipeline for parsing XML files and integrating them into Databricks using PySpark.
- PySpark
- Databricks
- Python
Two-Way Chat Application Using Socket Programming
PublicPython Chat Application Developed a two-way chat application using socket programming with user authentication.
- Python
- Socket Programming
Digital Speedometer
PublicDigital Speed Measurement Device A hardware project designed to measure speed using IR sensors and digital logic design.
- C++
- Arduino
Binder - Main Colors of Images
PublicColor Classification Tool Developed a tool to extract main colors from images, classify them, and save results to an Excel file.
- Python
- OpenCV
- Pandas
Facebook Data Scraper
PublicFacebook Data Scraper Scraped Facebook data using automation and stored user profiles, posts, and comments in CSV files.
- Python
- Selenium
School Management System
PublicC++ School Management Application Created a comprehensive school management system using C++ with multiple features like attendance and grading.
- C++
Data Gurus Market Data Management
PublicETL Pipeline for Data Management Developed an ETL pipeline for parsing XML files and integrating them into Databricks using PySpark.
- PySpark
- Databricks
- Python
Image Pattern Locator
PublicPattern Locator in Images A Python-based tool to locate specific patterns in images and plot their coordinates.
- Python
- OpenCV
Komix - Freelance Website
PublicFreelance Platform Developed a freelance website where users can offer and hire services, built using PHP, HTML, CSS, and SQL.
- CSS3
Support tickets template
PublicSupport Tickets Management A Streamlit app that allows users to create, manage, and visualize support tickets.
- Python
- Streamlit
- SQLite
Expense Tracker Application
PublicExpense Tracker A full-stack expense tracker application with Django backend and React frontend.
- Django
- React
- PostgreSQL